Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wife, Mother, Preschool Teacher

Let me begin by introducing myself.  My name is Mieke and I have three jobs --  wife, mother, and preschool teacher.  I decided to call the different aspects of my life "jobs" because of a bumper sticker I once saw.  It said, "Every Mother is a Working Mother."  That is by far one of the most insightful bumper stickers I have ever seen.  It doesn't matter whether you work in the home, outside the home, or both -- being a Mother is work -- a work of love for sure, but still work!

All of my jobs are very rewarding, but in very different ways.  As a wife I have had the opportunity to share my life with my best friend.  As a mother I have had the opportunity to watch one of God's most precious gifts blossom from newborn baby to independent toddler.  And, as a preschool teacher I have had the opportunity to see many children learn and grow more than I could ever have imagined.

My intention for this blog is to share some of my life with those who would care to know about it.  I have found a lot of useful information on blogs and hope that over time I can do the same for others.

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